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Old 12-14-2014, 12:30 PM
Paul S Paul S is offline
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
Concerning Paul's comment above, We're going downhill quickly.
Okay, I will say something constructive, having sold on the BST for over a year now, mostly in the Live Auction section:

The Titus auction was a bit of an anomaly, with all the attention surrounding the card lately. I think many potential buyers like their bidding ducks in a row -as we are used to it -- and if otherwise, maybe a few will get slightly bent out of shape. However, I've never heard back from the few auctions I've had that went out of expected sequence.

I have had many a winner, regardless of others' bidding patterns, swoop in and nab an auction for a buck or two. I never hear a peep from underbidders regardless of the amounts of their bid.

What is the difference if all bid amounts in a given auction are sequenced in an order from low to higher as the auction progresses, as opposed to being in staggered amounts throughout? The winner at the end is paying a $1 to pick up the tab, or said otherwise, drawing a deuce from his hand to take the pot.
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