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Old 12-15-2014, 10:06 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,198

Originally Posted by Northviewcats View Post
Your eye sight is fine. The green in the border does not match the blueish color in the bottom banner. Its weird that the yellow would be omitted only at the bottom of the card.

Does anybody have an idea of how that could happen?


It can happen a few ways. Some printing errors, some not.

On the printing side -
A misfeed can cause one sheet to overlap another blocking a color.

A piece of debris can get into the press. Scrap of paper, bit of cloth, plastic, pretty much anything. Good practices prevent a lot of that, but if the press operators are sloppy it happens.

Paper jam, can cause either a foldover to block part of the sheet or a chunk of leftover to become debris within the press affecting the next sheet.

A very bad jam just might damage the plate. I saw it once, but I've never seen a card that I felt was from something like that. It has to be a really bad jam, and the press has to be stopped to clear all the wreckage out and make sure it's ok to keep going. A missing portion of the plate should be obvious.

The plate can be made wrong. An obstruction when It's exposed like what made the 90T Thomas NNOF.

The ink to that portion of the plate can be blocked or shut off or run out.

The water to that portion of the plate can be way overdone.

Solvent can spill on the plate. It's usually more confined since it's usually just drips, but it IS a 70's Topps card...........

On the non- printing side-

If it sat in the sun with another card on top of it the yellow could fade in only the exposed area. You can usually rule this out if there's red in the same area as red is often the first to fade. Ben has done some really great work on fading and which colors from which years are worse than others. If he found the 76 yellow to be particularly bad it just might fade before the red.

Steve B
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