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Old 12-17-2014, 07:43 AM
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jbhofmann jbhofmann is offline
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Originally Posted by ATP View Post
Sorry been busy with Christmas stuff, best I can do for tonight. This one is from 1977, is written at an upward angle, and has the M in Mantle a similar distance in height from the first name. Here are the two for comparison. The M really isn't that high on either of these, it's just somewhat of an illusion because of the angle of the signature and the square cropping of the photo. This example really only addresses the height that Shelly wanted to see another example of, it doesn't address Scott's request for one that matches letter for letter :-) Wanted to post something to look at though as I wouldn't want anyone to go deaf from silence poisoning :-)
When measuring the First "M" compared to the Second "M" they only have 2MM difference from the highest point to lowest point when using an e-ruler on my computer. I think you're right that an illusion is somewhat playing tricks on our eyes.
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