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Old 12-17-2014, 11:44 AM
MikeKam MikeKam is offline
Mike Kaminski
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Toronto
Posts: 501

Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper View Post
Agreed, but this is part of the issue that makes it look "off" to me. Throughout the signature the pressure is odd. Very light in some areas much heavier in others... In a manner inconsistent with his typical patterns. It has an unusual light "whispy" look overall, where he usually employed a heavier hand with more even pressure. In an earlier post I noted it had a feminine feel.

In my opinion, I wouldn't rule out it could be an authentic, yet strange anomaly. But I'd always have doubts about it and would not choose it for my collection.
Changing pressures could likely be a result of him holding an autograph book and possibly walking/moving rather than it being flat on top of something.
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