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Old 12-20-2014, 04:56 AM
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DHogan DHogan is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Boston
Posts: 813

My mother never threw out any of my odd collections. From my collection of rocks, to my baseball cards. One day when I was in junior high. When I came home from school. I could see my father up in the bedroom that I shared with my brother. He was throwing clothing out of the bedroom window into the yard that didn't get put away the night before. My brother and I were about the same size. I just turned around and went over a friends house until 10:00pm or so. I got my butt kicked for being out so late on a school night. The clothing was still out in the yard, My brother was alseep. He woke up and said dad threw YOUR cloths out the window. I guess my father would have thrown my cards out too. I never did anything right at home. My brother NEVER did anything wrong.
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