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Old 12-26-2014, 11:41 AM
Pickles Pickles is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Torrance
Posts: 79

Interesting dialogue and one worth the time to analyze. My question on the 2k/10k (or a 5:1 value ratio) is a daily question in business for managers/CEOs etc on how to gamble to grow a company. Clearly if you can take a risk/reward ratio less than 1, then make it up in volume ad do it. Autographs is unfortunately not that simpl, and, when using one's own finances, the risk/reward ratio has to be much lower (0.1 or less) to make it a good thing.

I am getting the anticipated outcome (agree with the auto) and a lot of subjective (though not less valuable) insight. What I am missing is perhaps more technical detail (ie comments on the teardrop R, the stick "t", the "B", the "b") which may be "tribal knowledge" details of use to me and others.

Both PSA (Grad signature) and JSA (JSA III) authenticated and I have the LOA's. I was actually very impressed with JS III, as he actually identified 18 of the 21 (or 22) signatures. Only one I have no been able to "find" is Koenig, ad personally, I do not believe he is there, but, it takes a few minutes to figure those sigs out, and, in my case, had there not been a similar, higher quality ball on eBay (1929 NYY) it would have been far more time consuming.

So perhaps it may be worth re-directing the thread into a mmore technical analysis of the autos. I will kick it off: Both PSA and JSA identified Bill Dickey's auto. It is not easy to find, and I equate it to the old joke fo finding a pile of manure and concluding there is a pony, just have to find it. If I talk myself into it, I think I can see the slant on the Y and the Bill part of it (on the Lazzeri panel) but not something easily spottable.
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