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Old 01-23-2015, 09:41 PM
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GoldenAge50s GoldenAge50s is offline
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How come the Colts balls didn't deflate at all and how come the Pats balls didn't deflate in the second half after they were re-inflated at half time and it got much colder in the 2nd half.

A culture of cheating with the Patriots.
Phil--I already said that they probably were on the edge of 12.5 to start with, so any change at all puts them under the min.

ONE past violation (spygate) does NOT a culture make.

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Wow, Fred. There's actually quite a bit in the newspapers and on television regarding this - you should take in some of it.
Scott---I would dare say I've watched & read as much, or more, than MOST have these past few days (retired & at home, so my TV is on all day) You are only hearing what MOST of the talking heads say, but not ALL of them. CNN this PM had 3 straight ex-players (Huard included) that believe BOTH Belichick & Brady do not truly know what happened. It's NOT ALL willing to convict before the facts, that's for sure.


Your coach is a cheater and now your beloved quarterback will be proven not only a liar, but also a cheater.
Phil---John Harbaugh thought the same thing until the League said otherwise & proved Belichick is a genius who is smart enough to USE the rules to his advantage and the other Coaches have no clue. Again, 15 straight years of success are just too much for some people & they look for anything to bring down a team that wins too much!

I don't believe Brady lied or cheated.


Much ado about nothing--just another excuse for the jealous Patriot haters to rally around once again because of 15 straight yrs of success.

It's my birthday and I admit I am at least half in the bag, but you can stick that completely up your ass.
Sure glad I didn't write 3 or 4 paragraphs!
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
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