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Old 01-24-2015, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by GoldenAge50s View Post
Phil--I already said that they probably were on the edge of 12.5 to start with, so any change at all puts them under the min.

ONE past violation (spygate) does NOT a culture make.
Fred, come on. These balls were "at least" 2 PSI below the minimum. That's almost 20% less than a fully inflated ball.

What do you think happened to them? Why were they below minimum (by at least 2 PSI) at half time? How come, after they were re-inflated at half-time, they didn't lose any pressure during the 2nd half?

Brady said in his press conference that he loves a ball at 12.5 PSI. Don't you think a QB at his level could tell there was a difference in these balls?

I think that they have been deflating balls for years, that certainly explains how their team fumble rate is off the charts compared to all the other 31 NFL teams.

Also, I think one big lie both Belicheat and Shady told was that they didn't learn about the situation until Monday morning. They stopped the game to change balls. Don't you think that was why they were still throwing late in the 4th Quarter when the game was already over. They were pi##ed off that the Colts called them on it.

Read this article about their "culture". I know it's one man's opinion that lost to NE in a Super Bowl and he does mention that he doesn't have any solid evidence because Goodell got rid of all the evidence after SpyGate.

Tainted Super Bowls and tainted careers for both.
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