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Old 01-30-2015, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by ullmandds View Post
thx barry...a coworkers hubby just had double hernia surgery...he seems to be doing ok...hopefully you will not ever need that again. I'm pulling for a pulled muscle at this time!!!!
Pete, I am not a doctor but have suffered from two hernias; a double inguinal hernia and a sports hernia. The first was easy to diagnose as there was a bulge in my groin that appeared a few days after the injury occurred. The bulge was hardly noticeable at first, and would "disappear" after I laid down at night, but reappear during daily activities. The biggest problem was when I laid flat on my back, I did not have the strength to lift even one leg off the ground, without severe discomfort. This required surgery, the procedure was an hour and I walked out of the hospital 4-5 hours later. Granted I was 29; recovery took 6-8 weeks, and the Kevlar mesh and screws they insert took time to get used to. I have been trouble free since the surgery in 2001.

IMO the sports hernia was worse, it was located in the abdomen, caused a lot of pain, and symptoms that were more like a bowel obstruction. No bulge, but far more pain than the inguinal hernia, probably because it was located in the core. I'd immediately stop the heavy lifting if there are any questions, and you know the routine, if pain persists or is accompanied by nausea/fever (which should not occur with just a pulled muscle) consult a doctor.

Take care Pete.

Last edited by pariah1107; 01-30-2015 at 11:50 AM.
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