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Old 02-03-2015, 11:28 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by pscolgrafs View Post
This is one of my favorites. Kind of like ordering a cake over the phone:

"Yes, I would like to make an order." says the women.
"Okay, what would you like?"
"I would like to order an autographed Babe Ruth baseball."
"That is our best seller. Would you like to add an inscription or personalization? Home Run King? Date of the year of the shot? Great Bambino? George Herman Ruth? Lover of Easy Women? Babe Ruth #714? I Didn't Mean To Eat All Of Those Hot Dogs? There
is a slight surcharge."
"No thank you."
"Would you like to add another signature? We offer a discount for multiple signatures added.
We can add anyone within their lifetime. Lou Gehrig is very popular, but we will add anyone."
"Wait, my son loves math, can you add Albert Einstein below the Ruth signature?"
"We can do that. Anything else?"
"Can Einstein add E=MC2?"
"No problem."
"And can you get Babe to sign it "Hitting=Homers2? I think he will love it!"
"I think he will. We have never done a ball like this. This is very unique and truly one of a kind. Anything else? We offer a free dating service if interested."
"I'm flattered, but I am married"
"No, we date the balls with specific dates. It's our calling card. Like a grandfather's date of birth or the date the Titanic sank or something like that. It tells the customers that the item could have been signed that day, unlike balls that are not dated which may appear suspicious to collectors."
She thinks about this for a minute.
"When is grand papa's birthday?" she screams into another room.
"January 8, 1938'
"Great! He will love it! Anything else?"
"No, I think that will be all."
"It will be ready by Wednesday if you want to pick it up."
"Great, see you there!"
That's both incredibly sad and hysterically funny at the same time.
I have to admit that I almost spit out my sip of coffee while reading your post.

Last edited by Scott Garner; 02-03-2015 at 11:29 AM.
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