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Old 02-05-2015, 11:29 AM
Cozumeleno Cozumeleno is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 953
Default 2014 Royal Rumble Script - Expert Needed

Hi all -

I'm looking (and not having much success) at trying to find a wrestling memorabilia expert that does authentication/appraisals. Most I'm finding deal only in autographs, but I'm looking for someone that does general memorabilia as well. There are plenty of sports memorabilia experts, but having real difficulty in locating anyone that focuses on wrestling.

Last year, I purchased a Royal Rumble script used at the WWE Royal Rumble in Pittsburgh by Shawn Michaels. Michaels was part of the broadcast thing they do away from the ring with the 'experts/panelists'.

I purchased the script for a relatively modest amount from a worker at the event assigned to their table to fetch water, set up, etc. After the event, he picked up the script and took it home, not thinking much of it. He then decided to try to sell it and I purchased it on eBay.

I did not see the individual secure the script, but I have a decent amount of 'evidence', including his access pass for that night, about 30 photos of the panel in preparations before the event that he took while working there, various photos of the arena while the ring was being set up (when it was closed to fans), and his email testimony detailing how he received it. I realize that none of this is 100% proof, but collectively, I think it is a reasonable deduction. I also had several email conversations with him and am pretty sure he was genuine. He also didn't have any history of selling stuff like this on eBay, so making forgeries isn't exactly a sideline business for him.

In addition, the script was not only used by Michaels to review the outlay of the event, but also includes some of his handwritten notes. I've come up empty in trying to find handwritten examples like a letter or something of his online, finding only signatures.

What I'm hoping to find is an expert with experience that has seen the scripts themselves (I know they have occasionally been out there) and can maybe verify the handwriting. It's a long shot, but if anyone has any suggestions for experts in wrestling memorabilia, I'd appreciate it. I'm not really looking to sell the item (though I could probably be coaxed into it, haha), but I'd like to get an opinion of its authenticity from an expert.

Thanks -
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