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Old 02-06-2015, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by freakhappy View Post
I agree 100%...crowd noise would absolutely be a bigger deterrent than some minute deflated balls.
Yeah, just see Seattle now, or NO & KC in their heyday. The last play of the Steelers at Denver playoff game in 1989 always stands out in my mind too as an example of how crowd noise effects an O... a confused center snapping before Bubby Brister is ready, game over.

Originally Posted by FenwayFaithful View Post
Hilarious. A bunch of bitter retired players whose legacies are feeling a little threatened by the Patriots' accomplishments. And don't get me wrong, I think Jerry Rice is the greatest NFL player of all-time.
It pains me to say this since I grew up worshipping those 80's-90's Niners teams were , but I totally agree. I think Rice has handled retirement a little better than Jordon, but think the two of them were similar. They were both the best in the game during the times they played (maybe all time), worked harder than anyone when they played, resented those who weren't as obsessed and fully consumed by the sport and competition, and then I think I think had no idea what to do once they retired. At least Rice got to win Dancing with the Stars, but I think he's got a lot of pent up competitive angst otherwise. Very interested to see how Kobe does in retirement.

Since they were greats, their opinions often seem to carry more weight than perhaps they should.. but being in the HOF doesn't mean you will objective, and immune to bitterness and jealousy.

Originally Posted by HRBAKER View Post
Of course you're not seeing much about the Falcons, it's success that breeds contempt, not mediocrity.
Absolutely the case here. Don't wanna bring up talk about the haters again, but there was definitely a lot of that going on during deflate gate... and think it's still going on with all these sniping comments by former players. The media is savvy enough to pick up on how widespread this sentiment was (twitter, chatrooms, comments to stories on their own websites), adjust their content accordingly, and fan the flames further. I watch CBS news pretty regularly and COULD NOT believe they lead two consecutive broadcasts with deflate gate, when there's an intensifying war in Ukraine, as well as any number of other "lead" stories. Gotta think there was some serious behind the scenes arguing going on at some of these news outlets during this story (the true newsmen vs the ratings honks).

Last edited by itjclarke; 02-06-2015 at 03:44 PM.
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