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Old 02-08-2015, 05:13 PM
Forgebuster Forgebuster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Where the mountains touch the sky!
Posts: 10
Default Family Heirloom Or Not?

I have a Ruth ball that has been in my family forever. My father in law gave it to me in 1982 and we never knew the authenticity of it other than it was for sure not one of the Sinclair Oil secretarial signatures. About a year and a half ago I took it to get authenticated by one of the top two authenticators in the business who will remain unnamed. Although their synopsis albeit wasn't unfavorable I have since read horror stories even about the top two on authentication foo bars that I am at a loss as to who I would trust to evaluate it. I am not willing to mail it anywhere for obvious reasons. (I traveled 500 miles with it in hand last time.) Does anyone have any suggestions as to who may be a good resource on Ruth's that I could approach about this. I would be willing to send them photos and then later arrange a meeting if deemed credible. Please advise if any of you big time collectors have any on this. Thanks!
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