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Old 03-12-2015, 10:05 AM
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Rick McQuillan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 3,178
Default package

Hi Kevin, I'm glad your package arrived. One of the problems with people printing their own postage is that it can really throw off the expectations. Your guy printed the label on the 26th, so the label showed an expected delivery date of the 28th. The problem is that he didn't take the package to the Post Office until the 3rd, so there is already a 5 day delay.

So, the expected delivery date should have been the 6th or 7th, but it looks like you didn't receive it until the 11th, so is still pretty bad service.

I'm glad it worked out.

Rick McQuillan

T213-2 139 down 46 to go.
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