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Old 03-14-2015, 09:29 PM
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GoCubsGo32 GoCubsGo32 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
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Sandy Koufax 3 years ago.

My father is a pilot and was riding in the back of the plane to get home.Before boarding the airplane, a random guy told my dad, "Hey! You are lucky!" "Koufax is on that plane!".. Dad was confused..he said, "Sandy Koufax?" sure enough, he was sitting 2 rows in front of my Dad. Pretty surprising considering it was a very small airport they were flying to. My dad knew I collected autographs and was going to surprise me with getting his autograph. Dad didn't feel comfortable asking since he was still in uniform(even though he was off duty) and he wanted my brother to get a chance to meet him. So he text my brother ( who was picking him up) telling him that Koufax was on the plane and to bring something to get sign.

My dad had no idea about Sandy and how "recluse" he is. In addition, my dad is not an autograph guy. He still thinks anyone who played baseball during the golden era are super friendly.

When Koufax was making his way to baggage claim (one on one) my brother asked him politely, " Mr. Koufax could you please sign this?"

He looked at my brother and scream "WHO THE F**K are you!?!" "WHO TOLD YA I WAS HERE!!" "HUH!!"

My brother who is 30 was so shocked and taken back, that he didn't know what to say. My dad walk over and politely said,"I told him you were on the plane.We are fans of yours and it was a rare occurrence.I wanted my son, to get a chance to meet you sir.Sorry to bother you Mr.Koufax." My dad then took the card, ripped it up, and threw it in the trash can as they left.

Granted, I kinda figure that would probably happen, but since my dad was trying to make it a surprise for me, I didn't know about it, or else I would of told him not to try. Sandy could of been alot nicer to my brother in turning him down. At least he got to meet him! ...kinda...

Last edited by GoCubsGo32; 03-15-2015 at 06:22 AM.
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