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Old 03-30-2015, 10:18 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is online now
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,117
Default A road map of Tony Podsada's Forgeries..

What I believe is plain to see from the interaction with Tony Podsada is that he is the one that has been behind the flood of forgeries for many many years. This is my assessment of the situation:

1) When he started with that slop, He went to JSA & PSA. According to Tony, James Spence apparently authenticated some back in 2000-2001 or so when he was fairly green. When Tony showed James Spence the other 30,000 he had on his kitchen table, he clammed up and ran like rabbit with thorn in paw. LOL As would any legitimate authenticator.

2) He then took the garbage to Richard Simon who authenticated some and Richard will have to fill in the blanks as to how many & how long it took him to realize he'd been had. What sets Richard apart from TPA's is that he admitted as such. We look at them today, 15 years after the fact and can spot them easily. We've all been fooled at one time with this, but the more you look at them, the more they just stand out like a sore thumb.

3) He then went to GAI and sold them his bill of goods. They were struggling at the time and Tony helped put them right out of business.

4) When all the legitimate sources soured on them, out came the Nicholas Burczyk chronicles. After that was shut down, he sold his fish tales to Christopher Morales. Moraless was over matched or in on the scheme.

5) After Morales's reputation was trashed and known only for Authentication of Forgeries, it was on to the sell the "story" to Ted Taylor & Scott Mallack of STAT Authentic & Drew Maxx of AAU. They were exactly like Moraless as all they did was rubber stamp forgeries.

6)While all this was going on, he was selling these obvious forgeries with his own COA's from My Favorite Forgeries and let's not forget his other wonderful companies who has certified nothing but forgeries, Myst-O-graph & YMC Sports (LOL)

7) as his network was growing or slowing, we then started to see others fall into the same trap, like CSC Collectibles & Autograph Legends. The certificates all used the EXACT same verbiage. Then we got a laugh as My Favorite Forgeries was "REBORN"

8) PAAS actually Passed, in 2012 when he continued to try a pass that ridiculous story that someone in Mickey Mantle's Family signed everything we know to be authentic, while he held 30,000 authentic ones, albeit cartoonish machine drawn on cheap media. . As I have stated in the end, the eyes don't lie & where are all the personalizations with Tony's cartoonish style hiding? (Maybe coming to a website near you)

9) at the same time another entity sprung up that is still going on today, Guaranteed Forgery Authentics (GFA). They are still very pathetic and the signature is evolving somehow to try and make it better. Still it' get's worse They are running rough-shot through E-bay, Always Fake at Auction and the Military Exchanges. The usual outlets for these cheap forgeries.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 03-30-2015 at 11:26 AM.
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