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Old 03-30-2015, 10:19 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
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He has told this story for so long and ripped off so many people, knowingly or unknowingly it doesn't matter. The funny thing you get from the thread is that he actually believes it. Either that or he is THE BIGGEST CROOK in the autograph industry, and he IS individual who filtrated all the fakes into the market place using the story he has now told to the masses. Above was his road map, IMHO. He has left quite a wake.

He asked my credentials and here they are. I have studied Mantle and Mantle signature only for going on 10 Years. I wanted to be the one to make the call instead of relying on TPA for what I bought and I believe I have accomplished that. I have respect for the truth with integrity and seeked to find it. I believe I have a high capacity to learn and always try to give people the benefit of the doubt. It's the way I run my business and my life. I have never been in handcuffs and have had no more than a speeding ticket, years ago. I hate when others are ripped off and are parted with their hard earned money...especially our Military. How low can you go?

The fact that he spent time in jail for Tax Evasion speaks volumes to his character should anyone remotely believe his ridiculous story. To compare my "Credentials", when my business was Audited the first time in 15 years, I spent 10 hours in front of an IRS agent. I had under paid by less than $600.00 on over 1 Million in sales. I wrote them a check. The next time, 3 years later, I spent 6 hours and they owed me $200.00

There was no lying or cheating or going to Jail for Tax Evasion. That happens to Cheater F'ers PERIOD. The funniest part is that he challenged the judgement which he agreed to and signed. Then, he asked for.... WAIT FOR IT>>>>

...A FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINER to asses his signature as he stated he was misled and his signature was forged

Those are my credentials Tony as you asked for. We have all seen yours now. Thanks for taking the time to tell your story. This is mine. If one person sees this and it saves them from buying that garbage, I have done a good job. If they want to believe you, that's their prerogative. For me, I'm finding it IMPOSSIBLE to swallow.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 03-30-2015 at 11:28 AM.
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