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Old 05-09-2015, 10:16 AM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
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Default Is this what a REAL bat card should be?

Tonight, we are having a "Scrubs Musical" party for my birthday. For those of you who haven't watched Scrubs before, do it - do it now. NO - first read this posting, then watch it - you will thank me! The musical is season 6, episode 6, on netflix.

Yesterday and this morning however, I have been spending time doing a few things I really enjoy: writing and card creating! You only turn 21 once.

Though that happened 14 years ago for me, I figured I'd share my latest concoctions online. I really enjoy the positive feedback, so why not post on my birthday?

Everyone knows Canseco's first Topps card ever made. On one of my previous threads, I had taken a picture of the various versions I had of it in my collection (though, I accidentally left out a few.)

The superfractor is something I came up with, of course. A while back, I remember someone doing an Allen & Ginter card using the same picture. I don't believe it was ever "produced" by anyone, so I figured why not? I just did my mustachioed version of an A&G card.

I sprinkled some magic custom dust and whammo!

The Canseco version. I really love it.

Then, I thought to myself - "Self! What could I do better?"

After twirling my mustache a bit, I thought ... why not do the world's first mustache transplant? Maaahhhvelous!

Canseco with a boss mustache - I don't think life gets any better than this.

Then I remembered the game used bat I had just cut up....

Okay ... maybe I didn't "just" think about it. Maybe I had pre-cut some slices to certain dimensions for something crazy.

Is it possible that I had pre-meditated something so dastardly, that my collection would never be the same?

After sanding the trapezoid to a rectangle, I wanted to give something a try.

If you haven't guessed yet, I'm talking about a game used bat card.

NO NO NO NO NO. Not a baseball card with a piece of a game used bat embedded in it. I'm talking about a a baseball card that is actually MADE out of a piece of the game used bat.

This took a long, long time folks. The learning curve was something. The trips back and forth to various shops was sizable ... almost as big as the blister on my thumb from having to re-do the dang thing three times.

Part of this requires transferring the art to the wood after about 8 hours of drying. Now, is the moment of truth ...

Gently rubbing it all off ....

Looking good!

The final product!

And of course, the back.

So there you have it - my first REAL game used bat card. I figured I'd leave the 'stache to the regular version. I hope to get it signed of course, at some point, and will likely make my own custom frame similar to what A&G & Gypsy Queen do. I really wish that they would make the wood cards out of game used bat pieces at some point down the road. I think those pieces would mean a lot more to collectors.

As always, thanks everyone for reading, and for your positive comments - they make my birthday that much better. However, if you REALLY wanted me to have a good birthday, please note that I do accept visa and mastercard.
Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon

Last edited by mouschi; 05-24-2024 at 08:36 AM.
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