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Old 06-12-2015, 09:04 AM
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Sean Brennan
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,350

Ahhhh good old Ted Williams. If you were a hot girl (under the age of 25) he loved ya. If you were anything else he was Prickusis Maximus. I watched him asking all kinds of questions and gushing over some (roughly) 18 year old girl about five people ahead of me. When 13 year old me got up there with my bat he did the old Willie Mays routine of not aknowledging me. That would have been fine except he took my bat (already signed by 20+)by the handle and banged it against the table like he was (over) killing a spider. Then after he signed it, he ROLLED it to me. By some miracle it didn't get smeared.
flash forward to last month - I go to see a chiropractor who has no personality and wouldn't engage in any sort of conversation about my back issues. However if there was a pretty girl in the room, he was a whole different person. I called to tell them I wasn't coming back and when they asked why I said " I've had enough Ted Williams in my life " and hung up. I know they didn't understand but it felt great to say that
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