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Old 06-23-2015, 06:25 PM
JoeDfan JoeDfan is offline
Sean Sullivan
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Maine
Posts: 1,047
Default I (respectfully) disagree

Yeah, he bet on baseball. Yeah, he lied about it. We all know it.
But watching him play baseball was one of the greatest times in my life. I have seen a lot of people play, but I have never seen anyone, ANYONE, play like Pete.

We have juicers in baseball. We have racists, and domestic abusers, and coke fiends. Boozers and skirt chasers. Baseball is not squeaky clean. It never has been, and I doubt it ever will be. But that is what makes it unique, it is a history and a chronicle and a reflection of us. If baseball is dirty, it is only because we, the fans, made it that way.

I think it is unfair to keep Pete out of the Hall. I am not saying we should canonize the guy, and rename him St. Peter. He should NOT be allowed to manage any more teams.

I personally forgive Pete, and think that before it is too late, we should finally let him come home. But not for Pete. For me. I don't want to end my days thinking that I was too selfish to forgive someone who made stupid mistakes. I know I have made mine.

Ok, well, my mistakes didn't exactly involve ten grand on the Reds when I am the lead off hitter.
In fact, now that I think about it, my life mistakes don't seem too bad, compared to that.
Well, I don't know about all of you, but I suddenly feel much better about my life.

Thanks Pete!
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