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Old 07-08-2015, 03:01 PM
Sliphorn Sliphorn is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 170

I have a bone to pick with CSACards3. In early 2011 I had ordered a 1963 Jurgenson rookie with purple sky and the postal service lost it. It was from a different seller. I saw that CSA, from whom I had bought a few 1952 Topps BB cards before, had one in the same condition but about higher in price. I emailed him and asked if he would consider selling it to me for the same price as the one that the USPS lost since I felt bad about this. He replied with this rant:

"Yes, you are still blocked. I've been in business 30 years and my feedback speaks for itself. However, I am sick to death of people who very rarely if ever buy anything from me, then never feel they have to pay full listing price on anything! I've had several offers from you in the past and as you point out our last transcation was almost three years ago. You had the chance to buy the card, but just had to try to knock it down $2.00. The customer that I sold it to has dealt with me on an almost weekly basis for over twenty years.".

He also blocked me as a buyer. I tried to get the Jurgenson card at HIS price and that is when he said I was blocked.

He is not correct about having submitted offers before as I always just pay the price or skip the card. If a seller has a "best offer" button, I may make an offer as it is obvious that this is acceptable. I am still blocked to this day. I explained that I just wanted to get the card the USPS lost. I had never approached him about deal before. Thankfully, after 30 days, the lost card miraculously arrived in the mail.

I wish people good luck dealing with THIS guy.
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