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Old 07-14-2015, 09:47 AM
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Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 613

Originally Posted by packs View Post
I can't think of a single mass car murder or mass ladder murder. Please point one out to me so I can make an informed decision. For the last time, my opinion is driven by mass murder events. Not the number of total gun deaths. Not figures that have to do with gun violence. My opinion is driven by mass shootings. That's very specific.
Would it make you feel better if they was all pushed outta windows?
-Archie Bunker

Seriously though, do you not remember the Boston Marathon bombing? They had guns and instead chose to use a bomb! Oklahoma City - bomb! 9/11 - airplanes.

I don't mean to be rude but you're really demonstrating some extremely narrow-minded thinking. You have your opinion and no form of persuasive argument will change your mind. Your opinion is based on only those selected mass murder events that fit your apparently ingrained indoctrination. Frankly, people like you scare me way more than anyone who owns an assault rifle.

Look, think about it logically: If you want to kill a bunch of people and you can't get one type of gun, wouldn't you just use a different kind or come up with a different method? You don't honestly believe outlawing one type of deadly weapon will prevent anyone seriously bent on mass murder from using another method do you? That's just insane. Your only real logical argument is to ban all guns. At least admit that that's what you really favor. Because I'd bet if you could vote to ban all guns, you'd do it.

Here's a novel idea: Instead of banning these weapons so only the bad guys have them, how about giving one volunteer at each public high school access to one along with extensive training. That, my friend, would do more to end mass murders at schools than anything anyone like you could ever come up with.
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