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Old 07-31-2015, 05:42 AM
kevinlenane kevinlenane is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 240
Default Video of vintage at national

Becket posted a cool video of the BBCE table that's not well labeled so I'll post it here:

I'm on a plane from ny to chi to hit the national for a day trip - I'll plan on taking lots of video of the vintage tables and specifically old Red Sox stuff including Ted, Doerr, Jimmie Foxx, Smoky Joe Wood etc. If there are any Ted fans in attendance here. - id love to grab lunch. I'm new back into he hobby and have very few collector contacts.

My plan is to spend about half my budget on vintage wax and half on the above posted Red Sox. I'm not a dealer so whatever i spend is SPEND so I'm going to try to keep it below 2-3k as I'm having a baby on Aug 19 and it's just the principle of doing that so close to birth that is holding me back from that 5-8 range. I'm so excited that I can't stop smiling - there are two of the tiniest card shops in all of Manhattan and one in Brooklyn and it's all Yankees gear so this is just going to blow me away. Anyway - more from the floor in a few!
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