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Old 08-02-2015, 11:42 AM
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Mike Mattsey
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Sacramento
Posts: 631

My haul. I picked up seven off-grade 1934 Goudeys for my set. Roger Cramer being the highlight. I had always wanted a Sadaharu Oh since reading his book when I was a kid. I found a dealer specializing in Japanese cards and made an inqury. I now own an Oh!!!!

It was now around 3:30 and it was time to meet up with the rest of the clan. We went to Mitsuwa, a Japanese grocery store in the area, to stock up on some stuff. It turned out that they were hosting their Summer Festival that day. Japanese street food! Gyoza four for a dollar!

Then off to the Filipino grocery store Unimart. Lechon and Lumpia!!! My lunch today and tomorrow!

The pantry stocked, it was time to head to Pita House in Schaumburg for some lamb kabob and grape leaves. My wife loves this place.

Otis and his Ninang after the restaurant. A twenty! "Let's go back to the baseball card convention, Dad!" Next time, son. Time to go home.

Otis, possessing a skill I wish I had, drifted off to sleep on the ride home.

The aftermath. Otis awoke at 6:30 to finish opening his stickers. We found a bin for him to keep them in.

This has been an exciting summer for Otis and me. He's developed a real love for the game of baseball that coincides with getting better at playing the game. He asked to practice every day in the backyard and by the end of the season he had grown much more confident with his hitting and fielding. I've loved sharing the game with him through the years, and I couldn't be more proud of how hard he worked this year to improve and have fun with his friends.
So, that was our Saturday. To paraphrase the great Ric Flair, “Whenever you’re with the Mattseys, things are taking place!”
Nationals attended: 4 (3with Otis)
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