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Old 08-14-2015, 07:17 AM
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Originally Posted by obcbobd View Post
He'd won two straight MVPs in Pittsburgh and led the league in OPS three straight years and was considered perhaps the best defensive LF ever. He was quite a bit more than OK.

Also, I thought the allegations are that he used steroids after the 1998 season.
Maris and Murphy won two straight MVPs, Bonds didn't. Leading in OPS is worth less when you stink in the post season .191/.329/.390 3rbi in 20 games. Bonds is probably the worst post season player ever. 6 of 7 times in the post season, his team lost the first series and Bonds was terrible. Even in 2002 doped up, he had a good postseason at the plate, but misplayed a Troy Glaus fly ball into a game winning double in game 7 of the WS.

As far as defense, no he wasn't that good. He is remembered for his poor throw that allowed Sid Bream to score the winning run in the 92 playoffs and his misplay in the 2002 WS. Like Derek Jeter, he won gold gloves because of his name.

Bonds claim is that he started using in 98, but it is obvious he started in 93. He hooked up with Greg Anderson and Balco after 98 season.
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