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Old 09-04-2015, 06:53 AM
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Owen R
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: England
Posts: 222

I am personally against Pete Rose, and him ever being entered back into the hall.

Let me tell you a story told to me by a former ML baseball player: (this was probably in the 1990's)

We had just finished a Players' Association meeting, and I was sitting at a table in a restaurant with Yogi (Berra), Juan (Marichal) and some shortstop from St. Louis. We could hear a conversation on the table next to us. A small girl, maybe 7-8 years old asked one of the players on the table to sign her cap. The player angrily denied "I'm busy," but said the girl could have the signature for $60. She ran away crying to her family. From Yogi and Marichal's table we could hear what happened, we went over to the girl and asked to borrow her cap, then we marched over to the player. We put the cap in front of him, and demanded "now sign it, or there'll be trouble."

The player was Rose.... obviously.

Good ol' Pete
1955 Topps 171/206
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