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Old 09-19-2015, 02:52 PM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
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Ever since I've laid my eyes on the Tools of the Trade cards from the mid 2000's (the kinds with several pieces of memorabilia in them) I've been in love. To me, there is something about having a card with several pieces of items that have been worn by a player. I think the way they were designed showcase the relics perfectly. It is like a near-complete DNA pallet of a player. That may sound serial stalker-ish to be so pumped about a type of card, but I really think they did them right.

I am not a fan of the TOTT cards if they just have a piece of bat or jersey in them. I like them when they have a piece of shoe, glove, cap, etc. The more, the better! I've seen some with 6 pieces before, I believe.

See? To me, this is boring. The design is fine, but the pieces here are what break it.

This, on the other hand - same thing. The design is fine, but the pieces MAKE IT.


It is like the ultimate type of card to me. I'd have wanted to have swapped out one of the jersey pieces for something else, but it is like having a near complete sampling of your favorite player. I don't think they made one this elaborate for Canseco, so you know what that means

I also wanted to take it a step further, as well.

In preparing to do the signing with Canseco, I wanted to gather as many pieces as possible to do something similar. Something unique, with my own design. The pieces I had him wear were hats, jerseys, batting gloves, shoes and fielding gloves.

I already had a game used bat that I had chopped up as well, so that made six! I really did want to go bigger than the cards that were produced, and I was fortunate enough to have picked up some other items.

Before the meet, I grabbed some game used pants from Jose's warm up pitcher. I also snagged some game used socks, and then some game used wrist bands from his previous housekeeper.

That makes 9 pieces. I didn't want to over-do the card at all, because it would probably look like overkill on one card, so I figured a booklet would be best, but then I found a love for oversized cards.

I considered doing my own design, and I may very well do that in the future (heck, I've got a lifetime of material to work with here!) but this time, I decided to do a Tools of the Trade tribute card. Part of my reasoning is because 1) I love them a ton and 2) I just traded away a very nice TOTT Canseco. (Don't worry - I got other Canseco cards back for it!)

My main modification came from the logo...

After I constructed and arranged the layout that I wanted, I had to do the agonizing task of cutting up some pieces. I know that a BIG reason for going out to Canseco was to get the items worn by him, but it has just been very difficult to cut into everything for me. Here I am, sitting 4 months AFTER having done it, and I still just can't rip into everything like I thought I would!

This was a good project to wet my beak though. I must admit, I took pieces that were discreet from the game used and player worn items I had. Pieces like a part of the pocket from the pants, or a tag from the cap, or even part of the strap of the fielding glove.

So, late last night around 2am, this puppy was born ...

I took a pic of it next to a smaller "real" TOTT black spectrum in my collection:

Just for the heck of it, I did a white variation as well.

And again with little brother ...

I may be in the minority here, but I think I like the white variation more than I like the black spectrum. It was nice to be able to finally put a new custom piece in my collection for the first time in over a month.

It is great having a piece that no other company has done, nor will probably ever do (that is, unless they contact Jose for some game used socks, etc. in which case, I'm buying what Topps/Panini/Leaf put out!)

Thanks as always for reading, and remember ...


Since I liked the "crispness" of the black & white version, but the shiny of the spectrum, I decided to marry the two ...

Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon

Last edited by mouschi; 09-20-2015 at 01:37 PM.
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