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Old 09-28-2015, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by jrlebert View Post
Dan, bad deal on your part, bud. Once you agreed to the deal, you should have honored it. Once you received the funds, that pretty much sealed it. While nothing legally was done wrong, and this isn't something any of us haven't seen before or are surprised that it happens, it is, for lack of a better term, shady. I will be sure to avoid any deals with you in the future, and I imagine others on this board will or already are.

Leon, do you think it should be a BST rule that you have to have the card in hand before putting it up for sale/trade? I agree that there is no logical way to enforce this, but just having the rule would possibly prevent at least some of these shady characters from trying this here.

What do you think?
I think the fewer rules the better, just like govt. Less is better. As long as no one is out any money and it's not too frequent of an occurance then I prefer to stay out of it.
Leon Luckey
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