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Old 10-13-2015, 11:12 PM
wheitman wheitman is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 30

I met Larry through the mail in the late ‘50s. He was either about to go to college or in college. I was in elementary school. Over the years, we traded, bought and sold back and forth--talked on the phone whenever my father would let me call long distance. He always had lots of stuff, but his grading was more than a little suspect. Larry was one of three people who proofread my manuscript of “T206 The Monster” before it was published. Larry and Jeff drove down to the Third National in St. Louis in Larry’s ugly station wagon. It was the first time I met him face to face. I spent a couple of nights with Larry and Jeff as they took in the after hours bars on the Illinois side of the Mississippi. They seemed to know all of the spots. That was the last time I saw Larry. We continued to speak on the phone and do some deals back and forth, and, then, one day he was gone. I will not forget him.
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