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Old 01-03-2016, 09:49 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,333

"which would you choose? Which one is more desirable? And why?

from what I have read, the 1957 set might actually be valued a little higher.However, I am absolutely in love with the overall design of the 56' set. I am not really concerned with a $$$ value. ... So, Its just going to come down to personal preference."

Look bro, I have tried to distill the major contradictions and your answer.

Really, this should be about what YOU like and what you love. Comically speaking, are going to wait for a 2-1 majority with a minimum of 10 responses?

Your choices are both superb sets. You will get strong opinions for either one or the other, or even both. It won't drive ya nuts, but come on, friend, you yourself say, "I am absolutely in love with the overall design of the '56 set. I am not really concerned with $$$ value."

So, go with the great 1956 set, because you absolutely love the design, and you don't care about the money.

No matter which set you get, some chowderhead is gonna chirp up with, "You really blew your chance, bub. I'd have picked (the set you did not pick) in a heartbeat! Well, goody for him. You pick the one YOU love. They are both fine Topps sets, both worth boo coo, and both will probably appreciate. You'll tend to enjoy the set more if you already love its looks. So, there's your answer. Get the 1956 Topps, your own personal preference; there's nothing wrong with your taste, and nuts to everybody else!

Nice opportunity, if I may say so.

Regards, Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 01-22-2016 at 12:00 PM.
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