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Old 01-11-2016, 08:52 PM
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Kin K.
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Fort Worth
Posts: 317

I haven't been on the boards too much in the past few weeks. It was nice to get back to looking through threads and see all these pickups from everyone that I hadn't seen before.

I picked this card up a month ago at one of our local shows from Matt. I posted about it on my blog, but apparently forgot to show it in here.

The Large version of this is the #3 card on my "want" list. I didn't have this one either and was so excited to get it.

img830 (3) by kekinsley, on Flickr

I also picked up the Kinnick for my All-American set. I posted it in that thread. Matt told me that he'd had it since he was young, but had picked up an upgrade. I really like knowing a little history about the particular card. It was actually mentioned a few posts ago about how some kid in the 50s probably had the card. I've thought quite often lately that it would be really cool if the cards could talk. Where have they been? How did they get into the shape that they are in?

I did pick up three other commons from Matt, nothing really worth posting, though. Just cards for my WVU collection. If you're interested, you can read the post here.

Thanks, Matt! All of these cards moved onto another good home.
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