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Old 01-13-2016, 08:13 AM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is offline
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045


One of the things I enjoy is trying to find companion pieces to the cards I collect. Wrappers, promo pieces, ads, giveaways, premiums, etc. make for nice display pieces and complement the cards. When I saw that Get Well card, I just had to have it.

I have a few other Felt Backs where the felt back has come off. You can always just glue them back together if you want. Not sure what kind of glue they used but dry air can dry it out. I left the one that came out of the Get Well card apart so I can show both sides of a near mint Felt Back. You don't see many in that condition!

My checklist says I have the brown and yellow Zinaich BUT, before we all get excited, my checklists have been known to be wrong :-( I usually don't check them until I think I'm done with the set and sometimes find out I checked something off by mistake. My checklist says I need 5 more to complete the master set. All browns or yellows as those are the hardest. When I saw your note about the Zinaich, I made a mental note that I should pull them all out and see where I'm really at. I'll do that sometime soon and post up the brown and yellow Zinaich assuming I really do have them.

My notes say I'm missing the following if anyone has any and wants to help me complete this set:

Hester (Yellow)
Mathews (Brown)
Sitko (Brown)
Staloni (Yellow)
Towler (Yellow)

Here is an image of the brown Zinaich from the internet:

I usually don't write articles on sets I haven't completed but just recently was noodling on doing an article for GG on Felt Backs. There has never been an article on the set in GG. I'll need to look through my notes to see where else info on the set has been written up and see what I can pull together.

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