Thread: Star Wars
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Old 01-28-2016, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by the 'stache View Post
Ian, each movie of the original trilogy was released on DVD as part of the Limited Edition issues in 2006, the second disc containing the original, unaltered theatrical release. The three DVDs now command more than $150 on EBay, or more if in new condition. I have Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, but, apparently, I never bought Return of the Jedi. These are, of course, in 480P. There is a guy who goes by Harmy who has, from a variety of different sources (including an original nitrate film copy of A New Hope), painstakingly redone the films, and released them in their color corrected, theatrical presentation. These are in 780P. You can find things on Youtube showcasing what he did. They're called Harmy's "despecialized" editions. I have Star Wars, and it's beautifully done. Exactly as I remember it seeing it on opening day in 1977. No Han shooting first, no completely whacked out, over-saturated color.

There are very strong rumblings now that Disney is going to release the original trilogy in their theatrical releases on Blu-ray. Should that happen, expect every sales record for home theatrical releases to absolutely be shattered. I would be willing to spend an obscene amount to add those to my collection.
Funny, I stumbled on some of the "despecialized" clips on line after posting. That is so ridiculously genius, and so very "Star Wars fan" to be pulling those off. I'd love to land one of those 2006 editions.

The original Star Wars was the most influenced by changes, and so many of the CGI upgrades they made in 1997 look dated now. Funny, I remember loving the changes at the time, mainly because of the inclusion of that Jabba scene, which many of us were aware had been shot, but had not seen. Now all I want is to see the old one I grew up with!

Re- potential sales if they re-release the original movies, it's off the charts. Can you imagine if they were to also do a theatrical re-release prior to DVD???? Billions and billions more. That said, I saw a rumor that Lucas is hoarding the cleanest original copies of the first 3, in part to prevent this. If true, that's pretty weak.
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