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Old 02-09-2016, 12:38 PM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,379

Thanks, brother. One hard lesson I have learned over the years— and learned the hard way— is that sometimes to grab a dream piece, you have to pony up.

Twice I decided to remain firm at what I thought was a good price to pay; both times I did not get the card, failed to find another as nice, and while seeking, also got a front row seat to watch the price rise beyond what I could have paid then. Basically, a perfect storm of suckage, LOL. Both instances taught me that another as nice does not surface for cheaper later on. And that it's better to have great cards than regrets. So when a centered PSA 7 of the 53 surfaced, I was not haggling or hesitating. And boy am I happy, happiness being what it's all about.
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