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Old 03-04-2016, 10:24 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,198

Originally Posted by Hatorade View Post
Attachment 223184

PSA and BGS have a difficult time differentiating the error card from the common card in too many instances. One easy way for them to never make this mistake again is observe this small hair like object found on the bottom left of the card where the second vertical white line hits the lower blue line. I've termed the object a "short hair". The short hair is not on any of the common versions and is on every error variation I've seen. How can this same object have appeared on all the different error variations? What changed that it didn't show up on the common version?
As far as how it got there it's pretty simple. Not easy to tell exactly what way but a few easy ones.

It was there when the original pasteups were photographed so it was on the negative used to produce the black plates.
It was a scratch on the black plate that made the errors.
It was a scratch on the negative used to make the black plates for the errors.

Whatever the exact reason, making any of the corrected versions meant making new plates from altered negatives, or from entirely new negatives from a corrected pasteup . And either the bit of fiber was gone from the pasteup, or the resulting negatives never got scratched.

Steve B
* It's "possible" there were transitional cards using a mix of old and new plates, but considering that removing the Ad was because of a federal law the whole set was probably redone all at once.
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