Thread: Bryce Harper
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Old 03-10-2016, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Jantz View Post
Am I the only board member 50 years or older who got a chuckle out of this?
As I quickly approach 40, I'm not chuckling anymore, as I realize 50, 60, are right around the corner. Man it goes fast!!!

I get the kids argument, but aside from not fully grasping all the various intricacies of the game, I don't think I viewed and appreciated baseball much differently as a kid, as I do an adult. Not to be the "in my day" guy, but I do think with the advent of Sportscenter highlights, smartphones, internet, scrolling tickers on many TV stations, that overall attention spans and patience are dwindling these days... I think it's a bummer. As a young kid who played a lot of baseball, I loved watching the game as it was, without many frills. I loved its history ('86 WS and Curse of the Bambino hooked me forever), or the little tidbits my dad would feed me. As a player circled the bases after a HR, I may ask, "Why aren't they smiling Dad?"... "because they've done it before". I would then take those learned mannerisms (plus Will Clark's crazy facial expressions) back to little league, trying my hardest not to gush after a big hit, or great fielding play... trying my hardest not to smile when pitching to my best friend (usually we'd make it a pitch, and then start grinning.. I'd pull my bill low and try to hide it with my glove). It's all just part of the quirky personality of the game I loved then, and still love today.

That being said, I have no issue with genuine, non choreographed (unlike Prince Fielder dumbass "exploding" at home plate after a walk off vs Giants) celebration. I include Bautista's bat flip given the gravity and emotion of the moment... and I have no issue with all the old school red asses that get all hot and bothered by these antics. The game today has become a great world melting pot, a mix of personality and style, reverence for the past, and cap tipping respect to contemporaries (see Matheny to Bochy post 2014 NLCS). I love it all, and hope these aspect all remain in semi-balance to each other.
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