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Old 03-14-2016, 05:58 AM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
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Default Opening Day Hunger Challenge Contest - Please Join!


I'm changing the rules a bit - Instead of going without eating out at all until Opening Day, I'm requesting you go without one restaurant meal by Opening Day and donate the money as shown below. Hopefully that gets more folks to give!

I've been thinking/hearing a lot about how much we have here as opposed to other countries, and how 10,000 (I've heard more in other places) children die due to starvation and treatable diseases EACH DAY.

How crazy is that?!?

We can't save the world, but as I'm sure most of us are here in America, we are blessed way beyond what the majority of the world goes through. To top it off, we have an awesome hobby and sport!

From now until April 3rd, (Opening Day) I challenge you to not go out to eat at restaurants or fast food places. Instead, take that money and put it to work to help the less fortunate!

Let's say if you take out your family of 3 to Chipotle on Sundays (That's what we do.) The bill comes out to be $23 and some change. Instead, use that to help someone else while you instead eat something at home.

I'd like to limit it to Compassion International, as I know very well that they do good with the donations. Here is a link to check out: Charitable Gifts Catalog - you actually get to choose where your money goes to. it is really neat to be able to sit down as a family and choose what to give!

For every $20 you give, you will be given a "spot" in a randomized drawing (these spots will be comprised of members of multiple baseball forums/groups I frequent). Just post in this thread that #1 you are IN and #2 some sort of proof of your giving each time you do.

The winner first will get a custom A&G style baseball card of themselves stating they won the Opening Day Hunger Challenge Contest.

If this contest generates more than $1,000 in giving, the winner will also be given $50. If the contest generates more than $2,500 in giving, the winner will be given $100.

You can post your proof of your giving here to simply email it to me at with the subject line showing your username and the forum you are from with an attached receipt of some sort.

We have a LOT to look forward to this season, so make that opening day pizza you know you are going to order all that more meaningful by fasting from restaurants for the next few weeks to help others around the world eat.

If you put your money to work for others instead of at restaurants, this won't cost you a penny more than you would have already spent. Plus, you will probably be a bit more healthy because of it!

Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon

Last edited by mouschi; 03-25-2016 at 08:32 AM.
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