Thread: Clayton Kershaw
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Old 05-20-2016, 10:57 AM
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chaddurbin chaddurbin is offline
qu@n nguy3n
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he should have another 1.5yrs of absolute peakiness, then start to decline. you can cite all kinds of fancy stats to dissect what he's doing, but simply he's not wild, hitters know strikes are coming...and they still can't hit it. he's a combination of randy johnson and greg maddux.

the big en vogue stat right now for sp is their effectiveness third time thru the lineup. he's pitching like an elite closer ie andrew miller aroldis chapman, but doing it for 8 innings per start. i don't think he can keep up this pace all year, but he'll get his 8-9 win share on this crappy 82 wins dodgers. friedman is wasting kershaw's prime years with suspect relievers (his mo from tampa) and no real offensive threat.
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