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Old 06-07-2016, 04:23 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by kcohen View Post

Nice to see a throwback to the the good old days with a turn to vociferous political argument, evocative of time when this forum was less nerdy. Now hoping for someone to hijack the thread toward a debate over the merits of Jimi Hendrix vs. Cream, or some other such weighty issue. We almost got there with Ted Nugent.
Oooohhhh...............Hendrix vs Cream !

Actually, I just can't manage to get into that one. I like them both, and there are plenty references to both that tell me neither Hendrix or Clapton would get into it either. When Cream broke up Hendrix played a song live that night and specifically said something along the lines of "It's not about who's better or anything it's just a great song and I wish them the best" Clapton supposedly said at one time that the first time he saw Hendrix he couldn't bring himself to pick up the guitar for a couple weeks. (Probably apocryphal since I've heard the same thing with other guitar players.)

What wasn't mentioned about Nugent is that a good deal of the venison he and his friends hunt gets donated to people in need who have heart conditions since it's supposedly much healthier than beef.

Of course, Hendrix enlisted, and was a paratrooper. Got kicked out/ left depending on what account you read. The actual record shows him being kicked out if I'm not mistaken.

While I was a bit young, I've studied a bit, and overall it was a complex and often bitterly divided time. I'd rather look at someones overall life and what they've done good and bad rather than condemn them for a choice made while young during that sort of era.

That should cover all the derailing points no? Hendrix, Cream, a minor religious reference, and a bit of Ted Nugent.

I'll leave you with this, a bit of a musical interlude by one of those dirty hippies who's also a veteran.

Steve B