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Old 06-10-2016, 11:40 AM
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Steven Finley
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Nashville, Tn
Posts: 1,466

Originally Posted by rjackson44 View Post
Richard and christopher and some nut bid 200 + for it so far cant make this up .
They aren't all nuts. Many know damn well what they're getting and they're the people fishing for a sucker. I came across a Mathewson signed softball of all things on the local craigslist about five years ago. Asking $10k. Laughed and told myself "check out this CC special". Checked the last auction, sure enough there it was for a whole $170. I emailed the seller just to screw around and got a response telling me how it was gorgeous, part of his longtime meticulous collection, and he'd cut me a deal to get it in a deserving collection. I linked the auction and called him out. He said he'd look into it. I didn't have the heart to tell him if he was going to try to scam locally he should change the name on his emails so someone might not notice him. It was my wife's neighbor growing up. She'd babysit for him. Still a family friend. He wasn't some idiot. Him and his son collected extensively. Just an jackass trying to be a small time Halper. He's probably a member here if I had to guess.

What's up Mr. Brody.
Always looking for rare Tommy Bridges items.

Last edited by sbfinley; 06-10-2016 at 11:42 AM.
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