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Old 06-12-2016, 08:52 AM
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GKreindler GKreindler is offline
Graig Kreindler
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1,421

Hey all,

So, I was finally able to get Jose down on canvas yesterday, in all of his squiggly glory:

As I might have mentioned before, all of the markings on the canvas mean something to me. In a way, they kind of work together to act like a contour map, delineating changes in color, value, temperature, or any other weird notes I might make to myself. I know that it probably just seems like a cacophony of weirdness, but trust me, it all makes sense in my head. I think.

After spray fixing the drawing, I added a colored ground to work off of:

I use this ground for a few reasons. For one, it kills the stark whiteness of the gesso, so I'm able to work on a medium valued color that doesn't completely drive me crazy when I'm trying to pay attention to a proper value scale. Also, I can create certain atmospheric effects with it, letting it show through more transparent areas, or keeping an overall tonality to the piece. In this case, I went with a warmish brown mixture, which will be nice to work from while trying to create the impression of a night game.

Anywho, from here, it's gotta dry for a few days and then I can start blocking the sucker in.

Stay tuned!! And of course, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to share 'em.

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