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Old 06-14-2016, 03:26 PM
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pete ullman
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
Maybe I am alone in this but I am really bummed out by how lazy the showrunners and writers are this season. I'm starting to feel like I'm watching late season LOST where writers are desperate to make things happen just to throw away storylines when they don't know where to go with them.

Please tell me why we wasted so much time in Bravos with Arya? She did nothing there except train, which she was already doing with Syrio off screen. Yet we spent episode after episode watching her do it just so she could kill one person and leave.

Riverrun: talk about a waste of time. Brienne goes all the way there just to have Blackfish do the exact thing he would have done had she not even shown up. What was the purpose of those scenes? Could they not have found a way to reunite Brienne and Jamie in a way that advanced the plot?
+1...I hated the arya training episodes...boring and dumb!
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