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Old 07-11-2016, 11:29 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332

Bob, I'm afraid to disappoint you here, but the first compromise I made with my book was to deviate from the standard traditional paper book. My editor, Tom Bartsch, and I were gunning for that. I won't explain all our trials and tribulations, but it came down to a Hobson's Choice with my book on a CD.

I'm mostly dinosaur, so a book on a CD was a hefty compromise. You're right, of course, a book on a CD is basically a thing of the past. ANYTHING printed on paper is slowly going away. I cannot relate to or understand, digital downloads. However, most of us have disc drives on our computers or laptops. It is do-able if the collector is motivated enough to accept it for what it is, and work within its parameters. Believe me when I say that its appearance on the computer screen mirrors an open book, with an easy on the eye font, and looks fabulous. The book was not whipped out---it took me years to write and edit it, after many, many more years of gathering research and interviewing some very renown and pertinent hobby pioneers and major figures from the past. The information and interpretive investigative collecting 501 is ultra prime rib material.

With it being the equivalent of a 478-page book, the buyer is not getting short-changed, believe me. Oh, the $30 money order I ask is the bottom line price; the book, housed in a sturdy half-inch thick DVD case, is mailed to you postpaid--first class.

I hope this convinces you, Bob. Thank you for your interest, bro.

Regards, Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 07-12-2016 at 12:11 PM.
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