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Old 07-18-2016, 09:36 AM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by Jewish-collector View Post
I agree. I don't like collectors calling it junk and/or crap. There are a lot of guys collecting this type of stuff. And, I respect these collectors. I never put them down. I call these cards the shiny stuff, but never say it's crap.
Good post.
This happened in comics. About 10 years ago a bunch of people called comics from the 1980s to 1990s crap,but a lot of that stuff sky rocketed in value again because of comic book movies that created new interest.
Believe it or not I see the steroid era guys going up in value again because of nostalgia.
Look at Pokemon it was dead 10 years ago,and now it`s the hottest thing going.
So yeah start loading up on those Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds Jr cards now.
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