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Old 08-10-2016, 04:50 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 9,962

Originally Posted by GKreindler View Post
Hey all,

So, I'm alive. Officially. For now.

I'm sorry it's taken me a bit to respond to this thing. With the National and a lot of stuff around the house, it's been incredibly hard to get much of anything on the easel taken care of.

With that in mind, I'm starting to get back into Jose, even if it's just in spurts. It seems like right now, that's all my year old will allow.

As you can probably see, outside of the pants, there hasn't been much that I've done. Right now, I'm starting to get used to the fact that I'm going to be taking smaller frequent sips of painting, rather than big full gulps - which is what I was very much used to before Bennett came along.

Man, being a parent is hard.

Anywho, just know that it's all happening, even if it's slow-going right now. I'll try to keep everyone updated with comings and goings as they happen (and become noticeable).

Stay tuned, and please don't hate me.


PS: Rob, that is TOP NOTCH. I've always wondered if I'd ever see one of those Pirates coats in real life. It's super nice to finally do so.
Looking awesome Graig. The thing I love the most about your paintings is the amazing way you get facial expressions perfect. It is why I like your Studies the best.
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