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Old 08-20-2016, 09:07 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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You are making assumptions. I said I knew the guy 15-17 yrs so yes, that was insinuating I believed him. But I didn't accuse Bob of anything, only if there was an issue it should be taken care of. IF that issue was a mistake on the other guys part, he should have cleared it up with the other guy. This was all being done privately, no reputation being supposedly tarnished.
I brought it up because members asked about it and why the suspension. Well, antagonizing me, or anyone all around the board, is one reason but not usually a very good one. I take that day in and day out and it's usually not a big deal. But that is why it was brought up. I found the old PMs, just now, and everything I have said I have verified. I am done answering questions.

Originally Posted by sushihotwings View Post
The first time I saw it was in the cat picture thread and it was not by me. If it was mentioned earlier I missed it. The first time I made any mention of it on this forum or anywhere was just now, in this thread, about 10 minutes ago. Apparently there has been no resolution or desire to bring charges any further so why bring it up again yesterday without anyone willing to back it up or desire to carry through on it? I only brought it up because it was previously mentioned like there may or may not be truth to it. Well if there is truth, set it free and let Bob respond or never bring it up again. That is what I am saying. From what I understand Leon you are vouching or willing to give your friend the benefit of the doubt which is fine. I would too. Same thing with Jason calling Bob "nuts" Let Bob respond if he wants. But he can't now being banned. But if the person with the lost or stolen or otherwise golf card doesn't want to take it up why bring it up again again yesterday in the cat thread?I have never mentioned it until this morning. If there is more to it lets hear it. Otherwise Bob deserves a chance to respond to a mention again yesterday about it (not by me)
David Lamont
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 08-20-2016 at 09:10 AM.
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