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Old 08-20-2016, 06:59 PM
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Geordie Calvert
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 146

Here's my 10 cents, my two cents is free...

Animals get hit by cars all the time - I hate the times when I've been the one driving, and I cringe when I see an animal by the side of the road. But IMO some people are wound a little tight on the cat picture. There was no animal abuse or cruelty in the picture, merely what some (many?) believe is bad taste.

I don't begrudge those feelings at all - everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Me, I have always found humor in that picture. It's been around for a LONG time. Maybe I (and others who find similar humor) are a little twisted, and I'm okay if you think that. I like irreverent humor and humor that pokes a little fun at difficult situations or subjects. It helps lighten, at least to me, what can sometimes be a pretty tough world. And again, if that type of humor doesn't jive with you, that's cool. That said, the torches and pitchforks that came out in the other thread were juuuuuuust a little over the top. To quote the late, great Sergeant Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis".
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