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Old 08-21-2016, 07:51 AM
yankeeno7 yankeeno7 is offline
Barry Jock
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 339

Originally Posted by bobbyw8469 View Post
Get over yourself Barry. You two cents are not asked for nor needed here. All you ever want to do in your life is cause strife. Let it rest. You won't win this one. Leon is a fair man, and IMHO made the right call. He (begsu) will probably be let back on if he even wants to be. Hopefully he will be more considerate next time. There are alot of animal lovers in America. Why do you think there was such an uproar when Michael Vick engaged in dog fighting? When a gorilla got killed in a zoo?

Follow your own advice, Bobby. Did I speak directly to you? Why are you trying to start more of your drama with me? I think it's you who needs to get over himself. I directed nothing at you so why are you coming here directing at me? And why is your opinion worth more than mine?

Are we in some sort of a competition? I'm not trying to win anything. As usual, you can't see the humor and purpose in irony. You just want to bait me into your drama.

I hope you are not trying to insinuate that I support any type of animal abuse because that would be absurd.

Also, I never mentioned my opinion of Leon's decision. I think Leon can speak for himself about my posts. I don't think he needs you to speak for him but Im sure it fills him with joy that he has your full support in these matters. If anyone else wanted to know, I have no problem with Leon's decision. His playground, his rules.

All of my questions to you are rhetorical. No need to answer them because I have no interest in a back and forth with you. I avoid conversation with you so I think a good suggestion would be you do the same with me. But there is no way that Im going to not post just because you wont like that Im in a thread giving my opinion. Now settle down, Fabio.

Last edited by yankeeno7; 08-21-2016 at 08:05 AM.
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