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Old 08-21-2016, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
no it isn't, it's the single best thing we have to compare across position and generation. It isn't perfect, but if perfection is your requirement for a good stat 99% of all baseball stats are worthless.

It's a formula, even if you aren't a fan of the defensive part of it (and I can see the argument for that) every single player is run through the same formula so the ratios are at least close. (and that's the purpose of WAR, it's there to give a quick thumbnail number to compare. It's not like there is a major difference between a 5WAR season and a 4.8 WAR season, they are pretty much even)

Now some people may USE WAR in a wrong manner, but the number itself does exactly what it's designed to do. It's still far better than something like batting avg which tells us pretty much nothing.
Bert Blyleven has a WAR of 95.3, Johnny Bench has a WAR of 75.0. If you really think Blyleven was worth 20 more wins, then we are going to have to agree to disagree. I see some value in it comparing pitchers to pitchers and catchers to catchers, but it is completely worthless to compare a pitcher to a catcher in my opinion .
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