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Old 09-05-2016, 02:16 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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If you don't think there are more opportunities today, for minorities, then I guess you just don't get out much. It's really not even a debate as much as a rhetorical question. The answer is yes, regardless of what anyone thinks. It is just yes.
If I look into the general populace I see minorities and whites too, being kept down due to the hands that feed them, which allows them to not have to feed themselves. It really is the old adage, "teach a man to fish." I want to help everyone help themselves. And along they way if they need a year or two of financial assistance (to be paid back), I can handle that. As long as I see them doing the right things (the right things being, being a productive individual), then I will help. It takes effort to succeed and most social programs today seem to make it too easy to keep taking the handout.

The more programs there are to help, the more the people they intend to help are hurt. It is common sense. Really, it is, I promise.

I volunteer at the Salvation Army every week and have for 16 yrs running. I council homeless veterans on life skills. We have some pretty interesting classes as my views have always (for many, many years) stayed the same.

Originally Posted by dgo71 View Post
I never said that. But yeah, I'm sure white males have it just as bad as any minority in a country founded by rich, slave-owning white guys.

As to your comment about a double-standard, acknowledging racism exists in the world isn't an opinion, that's an unfortunate fact. Saying "It's OK to say [insert whatever colloquialism here] because it's not racist" is an opinion. That's the difference. All I'm saying is I hear a lot of people who aren't in the group that's being offended telling other people what they think is offensive and what isn't. Their God-given right to HAVE an opinion doesn't make their opinion valid. If you're trying to decide between the chicken or the fish, are you going to ask a vegan?

Leon, I can totally agree on your point about parenting but I don't think that's actually the debate here. I don't necessarily agree that there are more opportunities in the overall, simply because a few high-ranking positions are occupied by people of color. Sure, those are very powerful positions, but they are still outliers. Look into the general populace of any city in America and tell me opportunities exist equally. Look into the comparison of sentencing to the crime committed between white people and black people and tell me there's equality there. That's what Kaepernick's protest was about. Not the military, not a flag, the idea that equality doesn't exist in the vast majority of this country. Him having millions of dollars doesn't negate his right to empathize with a cause, because he too is an outlier. Brock Turner serves 3 months for raping a girl and there are black men in jail for longer than that for having a small amount of marijuana. If Brock Turner was black do you think he'd be free right now? Ask yourself that honestly.
Leon Luckey
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